5 years ago
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Bible in 90 days - Day 2
I am reading my Bible through in 90 days, and this morning the read Genesis 19. It is the chapter where God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah. God is going to destory Sodom and Gomorrah for their sin. Two angels of the Lord are sent to get Lot's family out of the city. That evening the "men" of the city came to have the angels come out so they can "know" them. Lot stands at the door and is reasoning with the men. "Here, take my virgin daughter, they have not known a man." What???? When I read this passage this morning, I thought of a typical Christian (including me), living straddling the line between God and the world. The world is pressing us, it is crowding us, it is pressuring us. Give us more-give us what we want-give us your family! We are standing in the doorway trying to comprise and appease both the world on one side, and God on the other. Then we without being aware of it - give the world our children. Didn't Pharoah want the Israelities to go, but to leave our children. The Devil wants us, but not as much as he wants our children. They are the future! Then we stand back in later years and wonder what we did wrong, or what happened to our children. Why are they full of the world??? Shut the door on the world! The angels had to pull Lot back and shut the door for him. They told him to warn his family about the impending destruction and his family laughed at him. What a terrible testimony Lot has with his family. If you had to do what Lot did, what would be your family's reaction? Have you been a poor testimony for Christ? So many Christians want to be part of the world, participate with the world, and love the dainties the world offers, and try to please the Savior at the same time. Matther 6:24 "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Then when condemnation of the world is brought to their attention, they get huffy and pull out Matthew 7:1 out of their pocket and says "Judge not, that you be not judged." What a sorry state God must see us in, our robes of His righteousness covered in the filth of the world. I'm pointing to my life too. We need to clean up, wash up in the water of His Word, and stop trying to appease the world. Have you ever had someone is your life that you had to appease all the time? It gets old after a while, and you get weak and you just start giving in to their demands. Kick Satan to the curb, get him of your house! Even after Sodom was destoryed the angels told Lot to escape to the mountains, lest he be consume. He argued with them..."Can't I not go to the little city instead?" Oh, what a condemning picture we see of our lives through the life of Job! Shut the door on the world! Stop straddling the fence! End you love affair with the world! Fall in love with our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. II Corinthias 3:17 " Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
Friday, August 20, 2010
Old habits are hard to break!
As I have been working on my health the past few months, I have found many habits that needed worked on. The past few weeks, the scale has went back and forth from lost .5lb to gained .5lb. I've been trying to figure out what to do to move past this. I am going to try to break the habit of eating after 7pm. This will be a hard one. My plan is to try to drink some decaffenated coffee or tea after 7, and only eat after 7pm on Sunday nights (after church). I don't know what my next habit is....but I guess I will work through them one at a time. I keep thinking about the saying, "If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten." So change is a good thing! I don't want to get what I have always gotten. It is time to go the opposite way.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Family Update
Hey! I know it has been a long time since I've updated my blog. So here goes..... My last couple of posts were about my health. After I had posted my last entry, I found out that I had border-line hypertension. I kind brushed it off not thinking it was very serious. I went back to my doctor in June and my blood-pressure was still high. She put me on a couple of medications and really urged me to start losing weight and exercising.
I finally decided I needed to do something and that I was the only person that could do it. I started going to a Health Management nurse at my husband's work. I see her every week for my weight and my blood-pressure. She encouraged me to go on a 1800-1600 calorie diet and to drastically lower my sodium. I've been going to her about 5 weeks. I have to keep a food journal and take my blood-pressure a couple times a day.
I also started exercising. I joined Curves and have been doing various other exercises. I am down more than 10lbs, and can already tell a difference in the way I feel. My husband has started excercising and watching his calories also. It helps that we are doing it together!
We have had a great summer! The Lord had allowed us to spend the majority of the summer at home together, and I think we are closer as a family. We got to take a vacation to my in-laws and had a blast. We are going back the week of Labor Day.
We are having Jacob and Caleb's Birthday party on Saturday, so there will be some pictures to post!
I finally decided I needed to do something and that I was the only person that could do it. I started going to a Health Management nurse at my husband's work. I see her every week for my weight and my blood-pressure. She encouraged me to go on a 1800-1600 calorie diet and to drastically lower my sodium. I've been going to her about 5 weeks. I have to keep a food journal and take my blood-pressure a couple times a day.
I also started exercising. I joined Curves and have been doing various other exercises. I am down more than 10lbs, and can already tell a difference in the way I feel. My husband has started excercising and watching his calories also. It helps that we are doing it together!
We have had a great summer! The Lord had allowed us to spend the majority of the summer at home together, and I think we are closer as a family. We got to take a vacation to my in-laws and had a blast. We are going back the week of Labor Day.
We are having Jacob and Caleb's Birthday party on Saturday, so there will be some pictures to post!
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Official Start..........Week One Day One.....
Guess what girls, I've gained alot of weight over the last 10 years. My life has been consumed with being a wife, mother, teacher.....ect. I think when your kids are small we all go on survival and convience mode. What is the fastest thing I can make or eat just to get through. You are also surrounded by "kid-friendly" meals all the time. Macaroni and Cheese, chicken nuggets, hamburger, chips,......you mom's know what I'm talking about.
The time has come for me to step back and look at what I am doing. My blood pressure has been up and it really got my attention. I need to start thinking about health. I am going to have to learn and teach my kids to eat healthy and like it. So here we go...............our adventure begins!
The time has come for me to step back and look at what I am doing. My blood pressure has been up and it really got my attention. I need to start thinking about health. I am going to have to learn and teach my kids to eat healthy and like it. So here we go...............our adventure begins!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Homekeeper's Journal 3/10/10

In My Kitchen..... Not much today, Wednesday is church night so we always have something simple for dinner. Tonight is Hot Dogs and Macaroni and Cheese.
With Our Marriage..... Peter and I are trying to working in date nights every now and then. We have such a great time together!
With the Children..... Homeschool work in winding down. We are trying to add more chores for the boys.
What I've Been Reading.... KJV Bible, "Cheaper By the Dozen", "The Potluck Catering Club" Series
What I've Been Noticing..... I've been noticing different ways I need to organize and freshen up our home. I want to love it, not just live in it.
On the Back Burner of my mind...... VBS, Spring, and Vacation!
In the Deepest Darkest Recesses..... Dealing with my shortcomings and learning to realize how much God loves me.
Christian Homekeeper Network
Monday, March 8, 2010
A real me post..................
Here it is................a real Miranda Scheer post................my house is a wreck and totally disorganized right now. I'm considering posting pics, but don't know how real I really want to get. I feel like I have 3 or 4 full time jobs and is needed at all of them at the same time. Job #1 - Wife Job #2 - Mother Job #3 - Teacher Job #4 - Housekeeper....but my most important job is to be a Daughter of the King. I wonder what my heavenly Father would say about all this.........? I'll let you know tomorrow, I need to ask Him.
Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's been a long time since I posted on here! I will admit I have become addicted to FACEBOOK. I love facebook! It has allowed me to connect with a ton of old friends and acquaintances. You know, the people that you say, "I wonder what ever happened to them?" Now I know. Most importantly I pray that I get an opportunity to witness to them. So many people are unsaved and drifting through life with no clear direction. I pray I can be the Christian witness to them that I wasn't in junior high or high school. Time is such a fleeting thing. I really want to use my time wisely.
I've been praying about what to do with my blog. I've considered deleting it, revamping it, or going a different direction with it. I guess I want to have a set purpose for it. I mean does anyone even read it? Should I try to be a blessing to others or just be real about the ups and downs of a homeschooling family trying to do things "God's Way." I've seen tons of blogs....ministry blogs......family blogs.....blogs from people who are gifted with writing.....anything you can think of there is a blog for it. But for my blog, I want to just be real, not the person I want people to think I am, but just me. There are going to be days when I vent and weep, but there are going to be others days when I shine with joy and appreciation over a child finally "getting it!" Maybe someone will stumble upon this blog and be blessed or encouraged to keep going on. So, in the next few month this blog will be under construction. I'll be adding stuff and rearranging stuff. I've even considered having some guest bloggers. So please excuse the mess......
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