Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Amen Sister!.

I was scanning some blogs this morning, and I read this post and I needed this today. http://nataliewitcher.blogspot.com/2008/05/guilt-free-living-aint-no-such-thing-is.html Sometimes Satan's guilt attack is more pronounced in my life than others. The last few weeks has been one of those times. I have learned over the years to just try to keep my thoughts in submission to God, and to sit and think through why I feel guilty about almost everything. What Satan tells us always has to have an element of truth in order for us to listen to him, but it is an element of truth mixed in with lies. I pulled out the book "The Holy War" by John Bunyun and started reading it last night. I have never read it. In the book in order to attack the city of Mansoul the enemy had to mix lies and truth in order for the people of the town to stop and listen to them. If it was an outright lie, the towns people would recognize it right away and flee. When we are aware of Satan's tactics, they aren't as useful anymore. But believe me he'll find new ones! With the Lord's help, I am going to live today in freedom, not bondage, be content and delight in my roles today. I'm tired of living life guilt-ridden.

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