Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I have been awarded a lovely blog award! I am so excited! I've always wanted a blog award!!!! I was awarded it by one of the sweetest, kindest, and greatest Christian young moms I know, Rachel So I am passing it on to some blogs that I find really lovely and the people behind the blogs are just as lovely!
Here are the Rules:

1. Accept the gift and post it on your blog along with a link to the person who gave the award to you.

2. Pass the award on to other blogs that you enjoy and find to be lovely.

1. Sarah Walker

2. Tara

3. Patty

I hope you visit each one of these blogs, and leave a comment!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Aww, Miranda, Thanks! I havent even been on blogger for about a month! Hopefully this week I can catch up! Hope you are having a wonderful vacation! Love you lots!