Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I've hit a stone wall.....

We just finished Kindergarten two days ago.....In order for J to start the ABC'S with Ace and Christie he has to pass a reading readiness test. I tried to administer the test to him today. I really tried to be objective about the test, and hold back helping him. Question that he should have gotten right, he missed. I don't think he is used to doing a test by himself, and I think that freaked him out a little ACE is designed for a school setting where children are seated in offices with a board on either side of them, everything is done individually. J was seated beside me at all times this year, and if he missed a problem we would talk about what was wrong with the answer. Did I help him too much this year. Should I go to a system where he does his work by himself? What do I do???????? Have I messed him up for life? My brain is telling me, "see, I can't homescool.", but my heart is telling me everything is fine, chuck the test and continue on. Update you tomorrow on the dilemna........


Anonymous said...

Chuck the test and continue on..I attended private school in my younger years..I remember the PACES..great curriculum! I am sure you are doing fine.

Anonymous said...

Ooops! I forgot to sign the first post..
Your {Secret Sister|

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.