Psalm 4:6 "There by many that say, Who will shew us any good? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us."
Our homes are to be a refuge and a place of safety and peace for our families. Sometimes when you are in the home everyday, your home sometimes becomes your workplace or business. Things are pressing on you, pressures to perform to perfection, child training, teaching, and people and tasking are demanding attention. It is not just homeschooling moms that face this, but every mother trying to raising their children biblically and wives that are trying to be a helpmeet to their husbands.
The end of this verse is really what I want for my home and family. I pray that the light of God's countenance will shine in and out of our home. The first part of the verse is like the world outside, "is there any good anywhere." I pray through my home and life my family, friends and strangers my see the light of God's countenance in me.
It is my duty as a wife and mother to make my home as God would want it, but is also has to be a place of refuge, safety and comfort for me. If it feels like my workplace it will not be comfortable and I will want to go "home" sometime.
"Please forgive me Lord for making my home more business-like than a HOME. Please help me to see what changes need to be made. Thank you for your forgiveness!"